


时间 & 地方

  1. 连接词为 after 的副词从句修饰动词的时间。例:

    He became more frugal after he got married.(他结婚以后变得比较节俭。)

  2. 连接词为 until 的副词从句修饰动词的时间。例:

    I'll be waiting for you until you're married.(我会等你,直到你结婚为止。)


  3. 连接词为 when 的副词从句修饰动词的时间。例:

    It was all over when I got there.(我赶到的时候事情都结束了。)

  4. 连接词为 where 的副词从句修饰动词的地点。例:

    A small town grew where three roads met.(一个小镇在三条路交会处发展起来。)


  1. 连接词为 if 的副词从句修饰动词的条件。例:

    If he calls, I'll say you're sleeping.(如果他打电话来,我就说你在睡觉。)


  2. 连接词为 as long as 的副词从句修饰动词的条件。例:

    He won't have it his way, as long as I'm here.(只要我在,不会让他称心如意。)

  3. 连接词为 suppose 的副词从句修饰动词的条件。例:

    Suppose you were ill, where would you go?(假如你生病了,你会到哪里去?)

    (该副词从句是 supposing that you were ill 的省略;另外注意主、从句的动词都是非事实假设语气。)

原因 & 结果

  1. 连接词为 As 的副词从句修饰动词的原因。例:

    As there isn't much time left. we might as well call it a day.(既然时间所剩无几,我们不妨就此结束好了。)

  2. 当 that 配合其他字眼当作连接词、具有表达逻辑关系的功能时,就可以成为副词从句的连接词。这里只举例表示原因、结果的情况,表示其他逻辑关系的在其他分类中举例。

    • 表原因连接词为 now that(既然)的副词从句修饰动词的原因。例:

      There's nothing to worry about, now that Father is back.(既然父亲回来了,就没什么好担心了。)

    • 因果关系连接词为 so ... that 的副词从句修饰形容词造成的结果。例:

      He looked so sincere that no one doubted his story.(他看起来是那么诚恳,所以没有人怀疑他说的话。)

    • 因果关系连接词为 so that 的副词从句修饰动词造成的结果。例:

      The mother locked the door from the outside, so that the kids couldn't get out when they saw fire.(这位妈妈把门反锁,所以小孩看到火起时也跑不出去。)


  1. 连接词为 so that 的副词从句修饰动词的目的。例:

    The mother locked away the drugs so that the kids wouldn't swallow any by mistake.(这位妈妈把药锁好,目的是不让小孩误食。)

  2. 连接词为 in order that 的副词从句修饰动词的目的。例:

    I've typed out the main points in boldface, in order that you won't miss them.(我用黑体字把重点打出来,好让你们不会遗漏掉。)

  3. 连接词为 lest 的副词从句修饰动词的目的。例:

    I've underlined the key points, lest you miss them.(我已经把重点画了线,以免你们把它们漏掉。)

  4. 连接词为 in case 的副词从句修饰动词的目的。例:

    You'd better bring more money. in case you should need it.(你最好多带点钱,万一要用。)



  1. 连接词为 although 的副词从句修饰动词。例:

    Although you may object, I must give it a try.(虽然你可能会反对,我仍然必须试试看。)

  2. 连接词为 while 的副词从句修饰动词。例:

    While the disease is not fatal, it can be very dangerous.(这虽然不是要命的病,不过也很危险。)

  3. 对于 wh- 拼法的连接词,若解释为 No matter ...(不论),就表示让步语气。例:

    Whether (=No matter) you agree or not, I want to give it a try.(无论你是否同意,我都想试一试。)

    Whoever (=No matter who) calls, I won't answer.(不管谁来电话,我都不接。)

    Whichever (=No matter which) way you go, I'll follow.(不论你走到哪里,我都跟定你了。)

    However (= No matter how) cold it is, he's always wearing a shirt only.(不管多冷,他总是只穿件衬衫。)

    Wherever (=No matter where) he is, I'll get him!(不管他躲到哪儿,我都会抓到他!)

    whenever (=No matter when) you like, you can call me.(你随时给我来电话都可以。)


  1. 连接词为 as far as 的副词从句修饰动词。例:

    As far as money is concerned, you needn't worry.(钱的方面你不必担心。)

  2. 连接词为 in that 的副词从句修饰动词。该连接词是由 in the sense that(从某种意义来说)省略而来。例:

    Picasso was a revolutionary in that he broke all traditions.(毕加索是革命派,即它打破了一切传统。)

方法 & 状态

  1. 连接词为 as 的副词从句修饰动词的方法。例:

    He played the piano as Horowitz would have.(他弹钢琴有如大师霍洛维兹。)

  2. 连接词为 as if 的副词从句修饰动词的方法。例:

    He writes as if he is left handed.(他写字像(应该是真的)左撇子。)

    He writes as if he were left handed.(他写字像(冒充)左撇子。)

    He writes as if he was left handed.(他写字像(可能是)左撇子。)