


这部分主要讨论对等连接词 and 的判断。

  1. 一般情况下,对等连接词 and 出现在主语中,往往表示主语有两个人(或物),所以应该是复数。例:

    句一:Your brother John has come to see you.

    句二:Your brother and John have come to see you.

    显然句一中 Your brother 就是 John,而句二是两个不同的人,因此用复数。

  2. 但有时候 and 连接的并不一定是两个名词短语,单复数可以通过限定词判断。例:

    • 句一:The senator and delegate wants to make an announcement.

      句二:The senator and the delegate want to make an announcement.

      句一中 the senator and delegate 是一个名词短语,表示一个人的两个身份,用单数;句二主语中的名词分别有自己的限定词, 所以 and 连接的是两个名词短语,表示的是两个人,用复数。

    • 句一:A cup and saucer is placed on the table.

      句二:A cup and a dish are placed on the table.

      类似的,句一主语 a cup and saucer 是一个名词短语,把杯和其下面的碟视为一组物品,用单数;句二主语则是两个物品,用复数。

  3. 某些限定词不一定能够帮助判断单复数,但可以通过整体要表达的意思判断。例:

    • Every man and every women has to do something for the country.

      虽然主语中的名词各有限定词,是两个名词短语,似乎要用复数。但从意思上 man 和 woman 是相对称的内容,指人的两种性别,重复 every 是为了加强语气,不是指有两个人,而是指不论男女的“每一个人”,所以应该用单数。

    • All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

      主语的名词同样各有限定词,但从内容上来看,一天二十四小时都在工作(all work),就表示没有任何时间游戏(no play)。所以 all work and no play 表示的是同一件事的两面,重复是为了加强语气,因此用单数。

  4. 没有限定词的时候,只能通过要表达的意思判断单复数了。例:

    • 句一:Bread and butter is not very tasty but very filling.

      句二:Bread and butter are both risen in price.

      句一说 bread and butter “不怎么好吃,但是吃得饱”,bread 有人吃到饱,但 butter 不太可能,所以这里 bread and butter 实际上是指一种食品:吐司面包涂奶油,因此是单数;句二中可以从 both 看出主语应该是两个物品,因此用复数。


这部分主要讨论主语中夹有对等连接词 or、but ,以及比较级连接词 as、than 时的判断。

  1. 在有比较级连接词 than 和 as 的句子中,通常有比较级简化,此时要判断单复数,只需还原句子即可明了。例:

    • 简化句:You want to borrow money? But I, as well as you, am broke.

      原句:You want to borrow money? But I am broke as well as you are.

    • 简化句:I, no less than you, am responsible.

      原句:I am no less responsible than you are.

  2. but 这个连接词表达相反关系,连接的两部分通常是一个肯定,一个否定。在主语当中否定的部分等于被排除掉,动词要视肯定的部分而定。例:

    • Everyone but a few complete idiots was able to see that.

    • The eggs, not the hen, were stolen.

      主语 the eggs, not the hen 里虽然没有 but,可意思、功能和 the eggs but not the hen 相同,后面的部分要排除。

    • Not only you but also I was at fault.

      主语 not only you but also I 在意思上虽然是 you 和 I 都算在内,但语气偏重在 I 的部分,而且对等连接词前面的部分有 not,表示形式上否定掉前面的 you,所以主语要跟后面的 I 走,用单数。

  3. 对等连接词 or 表达的逻辑关系是“二选一”,到底选哪个做主语完全没有暗示,所以用法上是“选靠近动词的部分”做主语。例:

    Either my father alone or both my parents are coming.

    Neither he nor his friends were there at that time.

    Dose he or his friends want to go?

主语中有 every、each、either、neither 等表示“一”的字眼时

  1. 只要有这些表示“一”的字眼在,后面有名词的话就得使用单数名词,做主语时也就得用单数动词配合。例:

    Everybody is to report time here tomorrow.

    Every student has several chapters to report on.

    Each has to make a five-minute speech.

  2. 需要注意的是,这些字眼只有在做主语的时候,才必须使用单数。例:

    句一:You have to make a five-minute speech each.

    句二:Each of you is responsible for half of the job.

    句一的 each 作修饰语,主语是 you,所以用复数;句二中虽然有 you,但其是介系词 of 的宾语,而句子主语是 each ,所以是单数。






  1. 一般来说,介系词短语并不能影响主语是单数还是复数,所以在判断一致性时可以不去管它。例:

    Mrs. Lindsey, together with her sons, is on a European tour.

    The use of computers in business is now almost inevitable.

    There is a list of things to buy in the handbag.(主语是 a list)

  2. 当主语为空的字眼,只表达“全部 / 部分”的概念,看不出是什么东西的时候,才要看后面的介系词短语来判断单复数。例:

    All of these are Lishan pears.

    All of the money has been spent.

    All but one of the pears are ripe.

    特例:None of the pears are / is really good to eat.

    特例中 none 是 not one,形状与意思都是单数,可采用单数;而它也算空的字眼,后面的介系词是复数,所以也能用复数。

  3. a number / the number 的判断。the number 就是 that number,指的是一个数字,所以是单数。a number,“某个数目的……”,则是指若干个可以数得出数目的东西,所以要用复数。例:

    The number of people in the demonstration is five thousand.

    A number of people have brought eggs to throw.

  4. a pair of ... 的判断。如果主语是 a pair,就是 one pair,那么应该是单数,不管后面的介系词短语是什么。例:

    A pair of pants is hanging on the wall.

    These pants are very fancy.

集合名词(Collective Nouns)

集合名词在英语中不多,常见的只有 staff(员工、幕僚)、faculty(教员)以及 family、police、committee、crew(机员、船员)这几个字。这种词用来表示“一个单位、集团”时,要用单数动词,但是不加 -s 而用来表示单位内的“成员”时,要用复数动词。例:


  1. 名词词尾的 s 不见得是复数,有些反而只能用单数形式,像有些代表学科、疾病的字眼经常是如此。例:

    Mathematics is my forte.(数学我最拿手。)

    Mumps primarily attacks children.(腮腺炎好发于儿童。)

  2. 还有一些词需要通过意思来判断。例:

    Statistics was born in the gambling house.(统计学诞生于赌场。)

    The statistics are not all accurate.(这些统计数据并非全部正确。)